Algae and sloths

Hello, my name is Meadow. I want to tell you a bit about sloths. To get started, there are two families of sloths.  they are the two-toed sloths also called  Choloepus, and then there’s the Bradypus, also called the three toad sloths.

Baby sloths are very cute and they’re very cool. Baby sloths are very vulnerable Because they are very small and young. A baby sloth has to stay with its mother  From two to four years until they are able to feed themselves.

Algae grow on sloths because they are very slow. Algae also help sloths camouflage so they’ll look like part of a tree when hiding from a predator. Algae absorb water and sloths drink that water through their fur. Sloths need algae to survive.

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