Helpful tips for caring for a cat!

Helpful tips for caring for a cat


                1) Preparation  


Before you get a cat you have to make sure that when your cat comes to live with you it will have what it needs. To do this, you will need to catify your house. Start with the basics, a food dish, a water dish, a cat tree and a scratching post. After you have got and placed those items,

You can go ahead and add some extra stuff to make your cat’s new home shine! 


                                                     2) Picking the right cat   


Picking the right cat is not as easy as it seems.first you should pick the breed of cat you want.your cat should be one that you think best suits yourself. The best place to get a cat is the animal shelter. Most of the cats there had a hard life and are waiting for a new home in a better place.                                                                                                                                                   


                                                   3) Getting to know your cat             


When you first bring your new cat home, he or she will probably be a bit scared. After a couple of days, your new cat will get more familiar with their surroundings. You can keep a journal all about your cat. In your journal you should write about what foods your cat likes and doesn’t like, what your cat’s favorite hiding place is, and some other stuff about your cat. After you are finished writing in the journal you will know a lot more about your cat!     




                                                    4) Exercise


 Enough exercise, in combination with a complete and balanced diet, is a vital part of their ongoing health and happiness. As well as enjoying the physical benefits of activity, your cat will also be more mentally stimulated.   





 5) food  

Food is very important for a cat. You need to make sure that  your cat has a balanced diet.

For example, you can make a schedule to tell you what foods you should feed your cat each day. 


                                                THAT’S THE END FOR NOW!


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2 thoughts on “Helpful tips for caring for a cat!

  1. Hi! another helpfull tip for preparing for a cat is make sure there is no lilys in your home. that flower is very harmful to cats. Nice blog, Kitkat

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