
First Term in Social Studies

In Social Studies this year I learned about humanitarian aid societies and what they do to help the world be a better place. I also learned about why the beaver is a national symbol of Canada. We focused on learning about Canadian identity and diversity. 

 Diversity means appreciating differences. We watched a documentary about Canada. I learned that every province is different. Each province has unique landscapes and a variety of people. I even made a project about Nova Scotia. Here are some fun facts about it: English is the main language in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia is the best place to find sea glass starfish and jellies. 

When you think of Canada, what symbol comes to mind? I think of the beaver. The beavers are strong and durable. They are smart and know how to make homes for their family. They were chosen as a symbol of Canada because they are very strong creatures that originated in Canada.  

For my humanitarian aid project, I did Care Canada. Care Canada is an organization that helps women in need. My partner and I made a brochure on the organization.  International aid organizations are important because they help the world be a better place and they raise awareness for people or animals in need.

Care Canada

Interactions of Indigenous peoples and europeans

In social studies we are learning about indigenous peoples. In class we did a project where we made a type of indigenouse house. I chose a longhouse! Here  is my project:

  We also learned about the three sisters. The three sisters are a group of vegetables. Corn, beans, and squash. The corn stalks supported the bean vines, while the low lying squash kept the ground moist and stopped weeds from growing.

The mayan’s science and technology

 Hello, I want to tell you a bit about the Mayan’s science and Technology. The Mayan civilization used and created many pieces of technology including the calendar, chocolate, rubber, medicine, and math.


The first one I will share with you is the calendar. Back in the Mayan times they had more than one type of calendar. They had three calendars! On their calendars, there were some hieroglyphics that represented the date and the month. 


This is different to today because we don’t have three different calendars.


The second one is chocolate. Chocolate was first discovered by the Maya, who used it as a glue and sometimes food. The Maya didn’t use sugar and water, so the chocolate tasted bitter. Now, we add sugar and water so our chocolate tastes sweet.


Mayan advancements in technology tell us that they were very smart and independent.


We are able to learn about Mayan technology because we now have the internet.  The internet gets all this information from archaeologists. 

Beneath this, there is a picture of a Mayan chocolate mug.

mayan chocolate mug