
Dans la classe de français, pour terminer notre unité sur “Un mode de vie sain et malsain”, nous devions faire une petite recherche sur les traitements pharmaceutiques et naturels de dix différentes maladies communes. Pour nous forcer à pratiquer notre expression orale en français, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé d’apprendre par cœur huit phrases en français pour présenter à la classe. Ce que j’ai trouvé le plus difficile c’était  la partie que j’ai trouvée la plus difficile a été de trouver les solutions médicales. Je suis fier (e) de mon projet parce que ______________________________________J’ai travaillé dur et je pense que j’ai appris des choses grâce à cela.__________________.

Si vous prenez le temps de visionner mon projet, vous trouverez des conseils pour quelques petits problèmes de santé.


theodore hertzel mood board and journal entrys

Our assignment was to identify the struggles that Theodor Herzl faced as Israel the Jewish state starts to become a possibility and how these struggles contributed to what Israel would become. We accomplished this through research, a graphic organizer, journal entries imagining his thoughts and feelings, a mood board to show his influences through symbols and a reflection on the sacrifices and dedication he showed.


journal entries:

May 6th, 1896


I went to the market today, and I saw a poster of a model in a store window. She reminded me of Julie, with those darn bags under her eyes, and that ratty hair she wore. In other news, Trude was being difficult again, screaming at her mother. Not that I blame her for yelling at that wicked woman. 


All I can say right now is that home life is complicated. I’m spending another night at the office again and have almost finished my book. I’m scared of how it will be received in my community, but someone has to do something about the harsh conditions for Jews all over the world. Tonight, I will drown my problems with a nice bottle of whiskey.



June 9th 1897


I went to the park today. I wanted to clear my mind and take the kids out to let them release their energy. I am quite nervous as I will soon promote my ideas to some of the world’s leaders. I would like Jews to be given a homeland, and I have worked tirelessly to try and achieve this goal. I truly hope others can sympathize with the Jewish people’s struggles and agree to give them a homeland. I know that the location I picked (Palestine) may be a difficult fit due to the government not wanting to lose the state, but I remain hopeful that this could turn into a reality. Some of the people I hope to meet with are British government officials, Russian government officials, and French government officials.


July 2, 1903


Yesterday I got a letter in the mail. It was addressed to me. I never get mail. It looked elegant. The envelope had a black exterior with gold trim on the edges. I opened it. It was some kind of invitation for a big meeting. When I read it, I was in shock. I swear my jaw dropped open when I read the last sentence. The British government wants to offer the Jews a piece of land. They are proposing we create a Jewish nation in Uganda and they wanted me to come speak about it. I was so excited I almost hugged Julie. Eugh. she has been gone a lot lately. She has been going out at night and not coming back, leaving me to cook dinner for the kids. I wish I knew what was going on in all their little heads sometimes. I need to pick out a fancy outfit. Maybe a swallowtail suit? 

Our new homeland may not be where our history was, but it may be where our history as a nation will begin. I am worried about how the Jewish public will receive this plan, but I think it is for the better and a risk worth taking. 

Mood board below:


Innovation day 2024!

Hello there everyone! As you may know, here at OJCS, we recently had innovation day! It took a lot of time, and everyone put in so much hard work.


Before we started building the projects, I was pretty excited. I was excited about building the project in real life, so I was pretty sad when I found out that they were supposed to be in VR. During the building period, everything was a little bit stressful. 


During this time, me and Jeremy did many things outside of school, including interviewing a zookeeper, and more. While making the trifold poster, we added shiny green paper around some headings to make the project shiny and more fancy. 


Jeremy was eventually able to make a wooden version of our project to bring in and show our parents/judges.  we also showed our poster and our co spaces which took a lot of coding to create.  Our co-spaces featured a painted turtle named Luminique, looking for a safe place to lay her eggs.


In the end, all our work paid off, as we managed to win second place for our class.  Overall, it was a little bit stressful, but i think it was worth it.


a picture from our co spaces:


smart goal setting

Here are some of my goals. I will try to complete them all in two years.  Most of these goals if completed, will help me alot in the future. It is very importand to me and I know I will be able to achive them if I put in the right time and effort.

I will know I achived my goals when watever im doing comes easy.


My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are…
I want to take a picture from the top of the tallest tree i can find
  • Find a really tall tree
  • Learn how to take proper pictures
I want to get a 100% on a math test.
  • Study harder
  • Practice more
  • Work on extra practice
Get better at soccer in gym class
  • Lots of practice
  • Trying harder 
Become fluent in sign language
  •  Practice on my spare time


Setting goals is very important beacuse it lets you have somthing to work for each day. It also feels really good when you complete them. Wish me luck in achiving my goals!!!

the iroquois

Recently in Social Studies class we did a project on Indigenous communities. We were put in groups and given one to research. My group researched the Iroquois community. Here are a few  interesting facts about them:

  1. The Iroquois lived in houses called longhouses
  2. Up to 60 people could live in one longhouse
  3. The iroquois had different roles depending on the gender.
  4. A little over 100 iroquois people live in quebec 
  5. Mohawk is an iroquois language still spoken today.
  6. The iroquois had different clans. 
  7.  The Iroquois had a war where different clans allied with the British or french.
  8. More than 200 people can live in an iroquois village.
  9. There was a trail that connected the five nations called the Iroquois trail. 
  10. The iroquois great council still meets today


 Anyways, Thank you for reading. I hope you learned some interesting new facts about the iroquois!

First Term in Social Studies

In Social Studies this year I learned about humanitarian aid societies and what they do to help the world be a better place. I also learned about why the beaver is a national symbol of Canada. We focused on learning about Canadian identity and diversity. 

 Diversity means appreciating differences. We watched a documentary about Canada. I learned that every province is different. Each province has unique landscapes and a variety of people. I even made a project about Nova Scotia. Here are some fun facts about it: English is the main language in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia is the best place to find sea glass starfish and jellies. 

When you think of Canada, what symbol comes to mind? I think of the beaver. The beavers are strong and durable. They are smart and know how to make homes for their family. They were chosen as a symbol of Canada because they are very strong creatures that originated in Canada.  

For my humanitarian aid project, I did Care Canada. Care Canada is an organization that helps women in need. My partner and I made a brochure on the organization.  International aid organizations are important because they help the world be a better place and they raise awareness for people or animals in need.

Care Canada

What’s the matter project

For class, I did a project called what’s the matter in our world. The goal was to choose a sort of world problem and I chose plastic pollution. I made a podcast with my awesome sister about my topic. I will put the links below: (the first link for part one does not work)

part 1 plastic polution

part 2 plastic polution

In this lesson I learned a lot about plastic pollution and how it harms everyone. Plastic pollution is a very serious matter.

What surprised me most about this is that the plastic also harms human health.

This was a super fun project and I really enjoyed it. It was so much fun to record with my sister! in the future, I hope that plastic pollution stops. But until then, everyone can help by recycling!

I hope you enjoyed this post!


Wonder Choice Board

For class, we were reading the book Wonder about a kid with a facial  problems named August. For homework we were told to do some things related to the book. I made a school on a fun game I play.  I made a few dorms, a chem lab, a small school farm, and more! The book is about inclusion so I made the world public so others could see what I created! Here are some photos: