the iroquois

Recently in Social Studies class we did a project on Indigenous communities. We were put in groups and given one to research. My group researched the Iroquois community. Here are a few  interesting facts about them:

  1. The Iroquois lived in houses called longhouses
  2. Up to 60 people could live in one longhouse
  3. The iroquois had different roles depending on the gender.
  4. A little over 100 iroquois people live in quebec 
  5. Mohawk is an iroquois language still spoken today.
  6. The iroquois had different clans. 
  7.  The Iroquois had a war where different clans allied with the British or french.
  8. More than 200 people can live in an iroquois village.
  9. There was a trail that connected the five nations called the Iroquois trail. 
  10. The iroquois great council still meets today


 Anyways, Thank you for reading. I hope you learned some interesting new facts about the iroquois!

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