social studies: comparing life in the mayan times to life right now

I am going to compare life now, to life in mayan times. I think life is different now because we now have better rules for women and for almost everyone else. Now we can also switch jobs, unlike the mayan times, where you were born into a job, and couldn’t leave it.            


My first comparison is about: women’s roles. Back in the mayan times, there was not much a woman could do. They could either be slaves, or wifes. But now, we have much better roles for women. They could be a doctor, a teacher, a businessWOMAN, and a tone of other stuff.


My second comparison is about: housing. In the mayan times, most farmers’ houses were made out of dried mud. Also, the nobles and kings lived in large palaces made of stone. The nobles and kings lived inside the city, and the farmers lived outside of the city. The kings and nobles didn’t want the farmers inside the city, so they made the rule that all farmers should live outside of the city.                                                                                                                                                  


My finale comparison is about: entertainment. In the mayan times, for entertainment, they would often have festivals, with dancing and food. But the main source of entertainment was a game called poc-a-toc. The game was sometimes played between rival communities, and cities as a way to settle arguments, without going to war. Today, we have all sorts of entertainment such as: tv, reading, righting, soccer, and a lot of other fun stuff!                                                                


In conclusion, life was very different in the mayan times.


4 thoughts on “social studies: comparing life in the mayan times to life right now

  1. Dear Sloths! By Meadow!

    What a GREAT blog post. You have three really detailed comparisons of how Mayan times are different from our times.

    I love that you are an advocate for women’s rights and that you recognize that there are so many jobs that women can have. What do you want to be when you are older? Thank you for teaching me so much about the Mayan times. I did not know about Poc-a-Toc, but since I love games, I would love to try it!

    Mrs. Reichstein

    • i would love to play poc-a-toc, but just for fun. i wouldent want to lose and then get my city taken over. ( if i even had a city. ) also, i am not sure what i want to be when im older. all i know about what job i want when i grow up is somthing involving animals.

  2. Hi Meadow. I think it’s a good thing women are allowed to be more than wives or slaves.
    In your opinion, do you think the Mayan nobles & kings were a little bit mean to the farmers? I do.
    I hope you have a nice day.
    From Isabella.

    • issabella, i think you are right. the nobles and kings where a bit mean to the farmers. (at least i think so.) have a nice day to. -meadow

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